Leaf Crumpler
The leaf crumpler is an occasional caterpillar pest in ornamental nurseries and landscapes. It is most commonly found on Cotoneaster but may occur on crab apples and other plants. The larvae consume...
View ArticleZimmerman Pine Moth
Zimmerman pine moth has long been a pest of pines in the Midwest but has become increasingly noticeable in the past few years. The larva of this moth species is a borer that attacks pine tree trunks...
View ArticlePine Bark Adelgid
The pine bark adelgid is found throughout the eastern U.S. on white, Scots and Austrian pine trees. The insects are covered with a white, cottony material and may be found on the bark of the trunk...
View ArticleGiant Bark Aphid
These very large aphids are commonly noticed on the bark of deciduous trees in the late summer. The aphids are grayish black, and found in dense clusters on the bark of 1-3 year old stems on infested...
View ArticleSpider Mites on Conifers
Mites feed externally on conifer tree needles. They use piercing-sucking mouthparts to puncture the plant tissue and feed on the liquid within the cells. Feeding injury causes the foliage to be...
View ArticleYellownecked Caterpillar
The yellownecked caterpillar is a common pest on crab apple, pin oak and birch trees in Iowa. Yellownecked caterpillar moths lay clusters of eggs on the backside of leaves during July. These hatch...
View ArticleWoolly Alder Aphid
A peculiar phenomenon occasionally reported around Iowa is the unmistakable sight of small cottony white fuzz-balls flying through the air under their own power. If you are deft enough to gently...
View ArticlePear Sawfly or Pearslug
The pear sawfly is a common pest in Iowa, attacking a wide variety of hosts. While it favors pear and cherry, it also attacks crabapple, apple, plum, hawthorn, cotoneaster, and mountain ash. The...
View ArticleOak Sawfly
by Donald LewisSeveral species of oak sawflies commonly attack the foliage of oak trees. The scarlet oak sawfly, Caliroa quercuscoccineae, feeds on red and white oaks but is most common in Iowa on...
View ArticleAsh Spider Mite Webbing on Trees
The ash spider mite (Tetranychus homorus) can produce a peculiar sight on ash trees in the fall of the year (mid-September).read more
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